Saturday, 3 March 2012

Update on My Catastrophe

Nothing pretty to show you still, I'm afraid, although I can show you some not so pretty pics of my house if you want! Some of my friends have been to look round it and have been quite tearful and others have declined the tour on health and safety grounds! Don't blame them! We are in rented accommodation for 8 months or so and I hope to get back to crafting once the immediate issues are underway.

I have really appreciated having friendly e mails from folks, and it is lovely of you to keep in touch. I started a bit of blog-hopping the other night when we at last got Broadband but I'm afraid I found it upsetting; like I was on the outside looking in. Hope that makes sense and you can understand. The reason for this blog post is to let you know that we have disbanded my Talk Talk e mail account as I was having problems with it, so if you have a Talk Talk e mail address for me please delete it. It has always been a bit complicated as my e mail address has always been as we have our own domain name, but it comes up with the provider e mail address if I send things when I am away from home, so I have caused a lot of confusion with that. I was just a bit worried that if people were kind enough to write to me, they might not get a reply if they send it to the obsolete account.

I think about my crafting buddies constantly, and I am so grateful for people's kindness.